
Saturday, July 13, 2024 “His Gift” by P. Williams

How did I get “this old”?
Easy answer: One day at a time

Everyone faces the same kind of question
the answer is the same for us all

You can look at this in many ways
I have had opportunities to appreciate our world

Or to make a difference in some way
to help someone else who is in need

I want all of you to Thank God today for You.
For your health, your family, your church, Your Self

To thank God when we are sick or grieving.
Or happy or sad… Thank God… Every Day

He gives us His Love… His understanding
His patience and His forgiveness

What can we give Him back… How do We Thank HIM
How can I let Him know I appreciate it all?

To Me the answer is simple… Prayer.
To thank Him every day for waking up

For the sun and the moon and the rain and the cold
Thank Him for my Life… my salvation

Me… He forgives Me! He died for My sins
His hand always on my Shoulder… His Words in my Heart

Every day Every way His Gift


Wednesday, July 10, 2024 “Helping Jesus” from Daily Devotions

Matthew 26:41 - “Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.”

Most of us can remember “helping” our parents when we were children. For me, helping usually consisted of my
holding a tool while my father worked nearby. Sometimes I’d get to turn a wrench or finish pounding a nail, but my
father could easily have done those tasks without me. Eventually I realized that this time spent helping my father
was an opportunity for me to learn and practice skills that I would one day teach my children.

I think that Jesus was doing the same thing with his disciples in Gethsemane. “Watch and pray so you will not fall
into temptation,” Jesus says to them after they’ve fallen asleep. Jesus is not asking them to do this for his own benefit
but for theirs.

Just as my father used my help to teach me the things I would need to know as I grew into adulthood, God invites
us to participate in serving the world. Whether through prayer and worship, caring for the poor, looking out for those
who are alone, or providing for those without housing, God uses these opportunities to shape us into mature disciples.

God includes us not because the job can’t be done without our help but because God has chosen to involve all of
us in the work of the kingdom.


Saturday, July 6, 2024 - Prayer

O God, You are the only reason I’ve made it this far. I pray that you will never let go of my hand. This and every
year, this and every day.

God has been good to me and God is good for you, too! Amen


Wednesday, July 3, 2024 – “Planting Your Spring Garden” from the internet

For the Garden of Your Daily Living

   Plant three Rows of peas
     Peace of Mind
     Peace of Heart
     Peace of Soul

   Plant Four Rows of Squash
     Squash Gossip
     Squash Indifference
     Squash Grumbling
     Squash Selfishness

   Plant Four Rows of Lettuce
     Lettuce Be Faithful
     Lettuce Be Kind
     Lettuce Be Patient
     Lettuce Really Love One Another

   No Garden is Complete Without Turnips
     Turnip For Meetings
     Turnip For Service
     Turnip To Help One Another

   To Conclude Our Garden We Must Have Thyme
     Thyme For Each Other
     Thyme For Family
     Thyme For Friends

Water Freely with Patience And Cultivate With Love.
There Is Much Fruit In Your Garden Because You Reap What You Sow.


Saturday, June, 29, 2024 – “Gentle Care” by P. Williams

Homecoming 2024

Come gentle star shining bright
Make your presence Known Here in Night

Enter our being with promises sweet
Flow into our soul with prayers for the meek

Come unto us this spring time
We see your Wonders every where we turn

Soft scents float on pristine clouds
Tough wonders tickle our thoughts at Night

Keep us safe and please on track
We need Your helping hand upon our back

Guide us and direct us each and every day
Towards Your glory along life’s way

Pour over Your peace… let it flow Strong
Keep us in touch…. Your hand holding mine.

Glory to God… Bless us each and every day
Take us to heart every night and every way.


Wednesday, June 26, 2024 - “Fully Charged” from Daily Devotions

Isaiah 40:29 – The Lord gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.

A friend’s car battery was mysteriously losing its charge. The voltage would decrease while the car was parked
overnight. After multiple trips to the mechanic, they found a small parasitic draw caused by a short in the wiring
that was slowly draining the battery. They repaired the faulty wire, and the battery now stays fully charged.

Our inner spiritual energy supplied by the Holy Spirit likewise can be diminished by the parasitic draw of distractions
and idols. Difficult news, social media, pride, grudges, greed, self-sufficiency, desire for recognition and success
may all, like that faulty wire, steal our spiritual energy. This can lead us away from our relationship with God, from
following Jesus, and from serving others. But prayer, praise and worship, Bible study, and fellowship with Christian
friends restore our spiritual energy.


Wednesday, June 19, 2024 - Lesson on Psalm 23 by Ravi Zacharias

“The Lord is my Shepherd — that’s relationship!

I shall not be in want — that’s supply!

He makes me lie down in green pastures — that’s rest!

He leads me beside quiet waters — that’s refreshment!

He restores my soul — that’s healing!

He guides me in the paths of righteousness — that’s guidance!

For His name’s sake — that’s purpose!

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death —that’s testing!

I will fear no evil — that’s protection!

For you are with me — that’s faithfulness!

Your rod and the staff, they comfort me — that’s discipline!

You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies —that’s hope!

You anoint my head with oil — that’s consecration!

My cup overflows — that’s abundance!

Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life —that’s blessing!

And I will dwell in the house of the Lord — that’s security!

Forever — that’s eternity!”